Youth Department
We value children and youth and realize that it takes more than a village to raise a child, it also takes the church! We partner with parents and guardians to raise this and future generations. We have a dynamic youth department full of energetic children, concern parents and saints. The youth express themselves in song on the choir and in the creative arts of praise dancing and instrument expression. Every 4th Saturday night they have a service constructed just for their growth and understanding. Our youth officers are saved young people whom God has and is giving a vision to attract young people to this ministry.
Women's Department
We exist to honor God by fulfilling the Great Commandment in every aspect of our lives. We stand ready to enlighten, encourage and equip women in finding their place in the Sanctuary and in Society. We allow women to express themselves through the gifts and talents that the Father has entrusted in them. This ministry meets annually for a conference each spring and other services are announced.
Education Department
We educate the believer in basic Bible principles and daily living requirements through weekly Bible class, Sunday School Class, and ETA Classes. Our ETA program is designed to empower individuals to succeed in every outreach opportunity.
Evangelism and Outreach Department
We believe that in the big picture of God’s plan, there is room for each of us. We stand ready to assist the believer in finding their niche in the Great Commission of Christ. To challenge the believer to see where God wants you to fit in within the multi-facet mission’s department. Some are goers, senders, and other welcomers. The goers, well, they are designed by the Master to go into foreign lands and minister. The senders help equip others to go. And still others welcome those who come to their city, and see to the home missions, of caring for immediate need of sick or shut in and visits to the local hospital or nursing home. Each different yet alike, each a specific role in the Kingdom and each important to the body of Christ. Whatever you do in word or in deed, do it in the name of the Lord, Jesus Christ.